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Interviewers Checklist

This checklist is designed to assist you, the interviewer, in identifying suitable job candidates through proven interviewing techniques. It is also designed to assist you in staying within the legal boundaries set by federal and state laws for employee recruitment and hiring.  It should be used in conjunction with the "Recruitment and Hiring Standard Operating Procedures" and the  “Avoiding Discrimination in the Interviewing Process” chart.

FMLA ADA Flowchart

This is a helpful decision-making flowchart that guides you through the process of determining whether an employee who has been absent for medical reasons is entitled to protection under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Exit Interview

This checklist guides you through the process of interviewing an employee that has decided to leave your organization.  Obtaining honest and candid information on the reasons why -- and taking appropriate action to correct any problems discovered -- can lead to greater employee retention and satisfaction.

Employee Warning Notice Report

One key to protecting any organization from employment law claims is proper and complete documentation of all employee misconduct.  This form provides an efficient means for recording this important information.

Business Woman Multitasking

Employee Appraisal & Development Standard Operating Procedure

Appraisal and Development Systems should not be static, “paperwork” programs. Ideally, it is a system based on the recognition that every employee, supervisor, manager, and top level executive will benefit from an ongoing, open system of communication with regard to job-related performance issues.  The Standard Operating Procedure can walk you through implementing such a system. It should be used in conjunction with our "Employee Appraisal Form", "Sales Employee Appraisal Form"  and "Manager Appraisal Form".
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